Therapeutic Class
Cough & Cold Preparations
For the management of productive cough associated with • Asthmatic Bronchitis, • Bronchospasm, • COPD • Cough associated with chronic smoking.
Chemical Composition
Each 5ml contains:
Ambroxol Hydrochloride B.P. 30 mg.
Salbutamol Sulphate equivalent to Salbutamol B.P. 1mg.
Guaifenesin B.P. 50 mg.
Menthol flavored syrupy base Q.s.
Color used: Sunset yellow FCF.
100 ml / Bot
Dosage & Administration
10mI twice daily or as directed the Physician.
Contraindicated in Pregnancy.
Warning & Precautions
To be used with caution in severe asthma as Salbutamol may induce hypokalemia.
Side Effects
MUCOROL-S is relatively safe and the incidence of side effects is low, However ,headache,tremors, palpitations, hypokalemia and muscle cramps in the legs have been reported. It may rarely produce G.l. discomfort.